[c#]取得GA4 報表資訊




步驟一 Nuget 安裝「Google.Analytics.Data.V1Beta」

步驟二 建立與 服務帳戶 的連線

// Using a default constructor instructs the client to use the credentials
// specified in GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable.
BetaAnalyticsDataClient client = new BetaAnalyticsDataClientBuilder
    CredentialsPath = _GA4KeyPath//服務帳戶 金鑰 Json檔

步驟三 建立 Request 資訊 

// Initialize request argument(s)
RunReportRequest request = new RunReportRequest()
   Property = "properties/" + _propertyId,//GA4-PROPERTY-ID
   Dimensions = { new Dimension { Name = "date" }, },
   Metrics = { new Metric { Name = "screenPageViews" } },
   DateRanges = { new DateRange { StartDate = "2020-03-31", EndDate = "today" }, },

步驟四 執行 查詢 報表

// Make the request
var response = client.RunReport(request);

All Code

// Using a default constructor instructs the client to use the credentials
// specified in GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable.
BetaAnalyticsDataClient client = new BetaAnalyticsDataClientBuilder
    CredentialsPath = _GA4KeyPath//服務帳戶 金鑰 Json檔
// Initialize request argument(s)
RunReportRequest request = new RunReportRequest()
   Property = "properties/" + _propertyId,//GA4-PROPERTY-ID
   Dimensions = { new Dimension { Name = "date" }, },
   Metrics = { new Metric { Name = "screenPageViews" } },
   DateRanges = { new DateRange { StartDate = "2020-03-31", EndDate = "today" }, },
// Make the request
var response = client.RunReport(request);


API Dimensions & Metrics

[C#] 使用 Google Analytics 取得 report資訊

通用GA 轉換為 GA4




[Visual Studio]位於網際網路或是限制區域上 或是檔案上標有 web 字樣 所以無法處理該檔案。若希望處理這些檔案 請移除 web 字樣。

[IIS] IIS執行時,發生拒絕存取路徑 問題

[windows] xcopy 備份至 「網路磁碟機」